First Week of Advent 2023

This year has been a year of change. One of the biggest changes has been leaving our congregation of seventeen years for a new congregation. It was a beautiful end to a long partnership in ministry, and this new adventure has been full of learning opportunities, laughter, and joy. I find myself longing for some of the traditions of Advent we had to say goodbye to, while at the same time enjoying participating in new community’s traditions. As always, emotions are multi-layered.

As I sit surrounded by the items I need to work on the services for this Advent, I keep hearing the voice of the youngest member of our crew. They are a person full of joy, seems they have been since the day they were born. They are usually full of smiles and questions, energy and curiosity. One of their habits, that I hope they never outgrow, is to exclaim randomly to the room, “This is the best day ever!”

This exclamation has been shared on an ordinary day in the summer when we had popsicles outside in the sunshine. On special days when we have traveled someplace new, or had visits from the older kids of our crew. On days we have grocery shopped, or done laundry. One weekend after spending almost the whole weekend in the church building they exclaimed getting out of the mini-van, “This was the best weekend ever!” I never know when this phrase will be uttered, and I never ask. I simply pay attention when it is shared, because each time I hear it I am forced to pause and think back on what we have done to see it through their eyes.

Paying attention to their love of each day has changed my perspective. I look first for all the ways to say this was the best day ever. Some days I cannot give that title to the day, because some days are simply not the best day ever. But each day I am able to reflect on how some part of the day was good, even if it was only a short moment.

This week’s Advent theme is wait. I have decided to wait with eager anticipation of finding the best moments of the day, and the season. I am hopeful this waiting will allow me to appreciate the traditions I had to let go, and appreciate the new traditions I am learning. I am thankful for the joyful voice of one who has taught me to see the world with new eyes. It is not lost on me that this season is just that, a season of listening for joyful voices to help me see the world with new eyes.

May we all find joy in our days and in this season.